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Friday, April 27, 2012

Order Management Tips and Script

Allocation Error During Transact Move Order
"Error: The material sourcing process failed to create picking suggestions for line 2 of move order number 59641464"
"APP-INV-05297: Invalid transaction and serial control combination"
Encountered the above error message after clicked on "Allocate" button in Transact Move Orders form. Even after I backordered the line, I could not proceed to Pick Release, failed Pick Release.
Root Cause: Item lot reserved for the order line is no more valid.
Action: Unreserve the invalid item lot, pick release, transact move order & ship confirm successfully.

Cannot Perform Shipping Transactions At Shipping Transactions form, Action combo box is disabled. Can't perform pick release, create delivery, etc.
Grant role to user at OM responsibility. At Shipping Execution Grants form, add record, enter user name & save.
Setup -> Shipping -> Grants and Role Definitions -> Grants
Default role is "Upgrade Role", which you can maintain it in
Setup -> Shipping -> Grants and Role Definitions -> Define Roles

Launch Pick Release Failed My Sales Order (SO) has been booked successfully. Order header status is Booked, order line status is Awaiting Shipping. Quantity on-hand is sufficient. At Shipping Transactions form, I performed "Launch Pick Release", order line status remained Awaiting Shipping, it did not change to Picked.
No warning or error was prompted.
In my case, it was due to Credit Hold. Go Order Header -> Actions -> Additional Order Information, I saw Hold with message "Credit check hold applied. Overall limit exceeded.". GoActions -> Release Holds to release hold before proceed to Pick Release.
In order to perform Release Holds action, you need to be given authorities. Get the Holds Name and check the authorizations at Setup -> Orders -> Holds.

Where to Setup New Sales Order Type Under Order Management responsibility, Setup -> Transactions Types -> Define

Pick List Ship-To Address Not Get Updated
It is an address issue.
The Ship-to Address appears on the Pick List (for ISO) is retrieved from wsh_locations table. As for IR-ISO setup, ship-to-address comes from Customer address instead of Location address.

When we updates the customer address, hz_locations table get update. By right, bothhz_locations table and wsh_locations table should be synchronized automatically. But, in my case, it was not. Business event "" is enabled, everything else is fine. But the synchronize is not happening.

Logged a tar and Oracle came back with suggestion to run "Import Shipping Location" program in OM responsibility to synchronize the table. These was their reply (copied from some another article).

"...The 'Import Shipping locations' concurrent program imports all of the internal and external
locations from HR/HZ LOCATIONS tables into the WSH_LOCATIONS tables.

This program should be executed at least once when upgrading to 11.5.9. After the
upgrade, it should not be required to rerun this concurrent program since any
changes in the HR/HZ LOCATIONS tables are automatically synced up with WSH

There are a few exceptions when Import Shipping Locations concurrent program should be run. These exceptions would be only when any updates to a
Customer's information does not get reflected when creating a new sales order
or when you find any inconsistencies in Location records when interfaced from
HR to WSH Locations, such as an incorrect country code..."

Question is the auto-sync is not happening and Oracle can't give reason why.

End up I have to run "Import Shipping Location" program to solve the issue (and it took 3.5 hours to complete with the Start-Date value = sysdate-4).

HL Pick Slip SRS Report -> Completed Warning After Pick Release action, pick slip report will get submitted, but it often completed warning.
How to know if actual picking taken place? Picking could be failed or success even the program completed warning. E.g. For printing issue, even it completed warning, but the stock has been picked.
From Requests list, click on the request, view Output. If there is records there, it was successfully picked. Another faster way, observe the request in the list, if the 4th and 5th parameters have value, it is successful.

Unable to Pick Release Internal Sales Order (ISO)
ISO was created from Internal Requisition (IR), order line status is "Awaiting Shipping", shipment line status is "Ready to Release", next step is "Pick Release". Performed Pick Release, shipment line status is not changed. As usual, no error shown in the log.
After investigation, found onhand no issue, inventory period is opened, what else could be the cause?
Ans: The ISO has tied to subinventory ABC, but the manual Pick Release is picked from subinventory DEF. So, change the "Pick From" subinventory to ABC, problem solved. Note: ISO subinventory is defaulted from IR subinventory.

Meaning of wsh_new_deliveries.released_status

Meaning of wsh_new_deliveries.released_status field value, reproduced from Document406189.1.
B Backordered Line failed to be allocated in Inventory
C Shipped Line has been shipped
D Cancelled Line is Cancelled
N Not ready for release Line is not ready to be released
R Ready to release Line is ready to be released
S Released to Warehouse Line has been released to Inventory for processing
X Not Applicable Line is not applicable for Pick Release
Y Staged Line has been picked and staged by Inventory

Order Shipping Line Status Stuck in "Shipped", Next Step "Run Interfaces" Obviously "Interface Trip Stop" program has been ran, but status is not change. What could be the reason behind?
Check error records in Transaction Open Interface (Transactions->Transaction Open Interface). Any error stuck with error in the interface will cause this issue.
process_flag => 3, if error
organization_id => Inventory Organization

OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL -> SOLD_TO_ORG_ID and SHIP_TO_ORG_ID At the Order Header table, SOLD_TO_ORG_ID refers to customer_id whereas SHIP_TO_ORG_ID is the ORGANIZATION_ID from OE_SHIP_TO_ORGS_V. From the SHIP_TO_ORG_ID field, we can trace back the actual ship-to address for a particular order.
Before we can use OE_SHIP_TO_ORGS_V view in sql, we have to first initialize the view. However, we can skip it by going direct to the tables.

--to get actual ship to address for a Sales Order
select hl.*
apps.hz_cust_site_uses_all cs,
apps.hz_cust_acct_sites_all cas,
apps.hz_party_sites ps,
apps.hz_locations hl
hl.location_id=ps.location_id and
ps.party_site_id=cas.party_site_id and
cas.cust_acct_site_id=cs.cust_acct_site_id and'IN' and
hl.state='JAMMU AND KASHMIR' and
cs.site_use_code='SHIP_TO' and
order by cs.site_use_id desc

--to get order base on ship to address
-- cs.site_use_id equals oe_order_headers_all.ship_to_org_id
select * from apps.oe_order_headers_all where ship_to_org_id in (
select cs.site_use_id
apps.hz_cust_site_uses_all cs,
apps.hz_cust_acct_sites_all cas,
apps.hz_party_sites ps,
apps.hz_locations hl
hl.location_id=ps.location_id and
ps.party_site_id=cas.party_site_id and
cas.cust_acct_site_id=cs.cust_acct_site_id and'IN' and
hl.state='JAMMU AND KASHMIR' and
cs.site_use_code='SHIP_TO' and
cs.org_id=123 )
and order_type_id=2345

Validation failed for the field - Ship To
Encountered this error during Order Copy (at header level).
Root Cause:
Customer Site Location is deactivated.
Activate it. Customer->Standard. Choose the correct address base on the ship to address shown in the sale order, click "Open". Identify "Ship To" underUsage column, check the Active checkbox.
Some useful backend table for these:
Take oe_order_headers_all.ship_to_org_id to hz_cust_site_uses_all.site_use_id, hz_cust_site_uses_all.location field refers Customer Site Location.
We can get the Customer Site Number by using
select ps.party_site_number
apps.hz_cust_site_uses_all cs,
apps.hz_cust_acct_sites_all cas,
apps.hz_party_sites ps,
apps.hz_locations hl
hl.location_id=ps.location_id and
ps.party_site_id=cas.party_site_id and
cas.cust_acct_site_id=cs.cust_acct_site_id and
cs.site_use_code='SHIP_TO' and
cs.org_id=123 and
cs.site_use_id = 12345678

Query Manager for Shipping Transactions Form
Org Code is not defaulted to the OU's inventory organization, but it is defaulted to another inventory organization which has no relationship with current OU. Somemore, Org Code field is disabled. Why?
Ans: Setup->Shipping->Grants and Role Definitions->Grants. Grant to your Oracle user id, the Org Code will be enabled with blank. Set the Org Code from there (the field is optional).

Shipping Method - Lookups
To look at the complete list of Shipping Method, you need to go to Setup->Organizations->Shipping Methods in Inventory responsibility. It is a System Lookups, type: SHIP_METHOD.You can add/modify/remove Shipping Method there.

Picked Quantity Auto Transferred Back After Backordered?
Picked quantity (Pick Release process) will NOT be transferred back automatically to original locator/subinventory after Backordered transaction.

1 Delivery Has Many Delivery Lines, How to Backorder Only 1 Delivery Line
At Shipping Transactions form, query the delivery line by order number and item code (assuming this item has only 1 delivery line), enter the Shipped Qty as 0, Backordered Qty as the total quantity at the delivery line.Click Delivery tab, select "Ship Entered Quantities", press OK. If a delivery has multiple lines, only the selected line will be backordered.

Setting Up Internal Customer for IR-ISO
How does customer get recognized during Internal Sales Order (ISO) creation?
Ans: Location. In IR, there is a Ship-to-Location, and this internal location must tie to the same location defined in Customer Address (Customers->Addresses->Location->Internal Location). Each unique location can only assigned to only 1 customer and 1 address.Table for customer address and location: RA_SITE_USES_ALL

Auto Allocation in Transact Move Order for a Sales Order If the SO shipment status is now "Released to Warehouse", we need to perform Transact Move Orders. For the Move Order, which setup trigger auto allocation?
Ans: In the Release Rules form, Inventory tab, Auto Allocate selection (Yes/No)

No Delivery Detail Found After Ship-Confirm action, shipping line status is Closed, Interface Trip Stop program completed Warning, with warning message "No Delivery Detail Found" in the log file.
Where to rectify this?
Ans: Go Inventory responsibility, Transactions->Transaction Open Interface, check for any errors in the shipping organization. Rectify from there.

Pick Release in Shipping Transactions Form This is an alternate way to perform pick release at a place other than Release Sales Ordersform.
Only Lines/LPNs tab is enabled, other tabs like "Delivery", "Path by Stop" & "Path by Trip" are disabled as picking is not done yet. Go "Action" LOV, choose "Launch Pick Release", clickGo button.

Internal Requisition Approved, Internal Sales Order Created and Picked, Need to Cancel All, How? Ans: First perform backorder for ISO, cancel the ISO, then cancel the IR. Do remember to move back the inventory from staging to picking.

Collection from unknown author ( oraclea2z )

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