Random Questions From Apps
Ans: Over lay is used in payable open interface where we would like to pass and overwrite certain value which is set to appear by default when data is inserted into the production tables.
2. What is rollup group
Ans: rollup group we define and attached with the parent segment in the accounting flexfield for summary total for which summary template is defined. This identify at what level and how the summing up should be computed for the level.
3. What way payment batch is different from other module batches.
Ans: It identifies the invoices for the payment automatically based on the criteria we specify in payment batch for the payments. 4. What is balancing segment in AR.Ans: The Account Generator ensures that Receivables substitutes the correct balancing segment values during various accounting activities against transactions and receipts.
Receivables uses the Account Generator to update the balancing segment values during various accounting activities against transactions and receipts. By matching the balancing segments for different accounting activities back to the original transaction or receipt, the Account Generator ensures that Receivables uses the correct balancing segment values during this substitution process. For example, if an invoice’s balancing segment that you assess finance charges for has a value of ’01’ and the balancing segment of your finance charges account is ’02’, when Receivables accrues finance charges for this invoice, the Account Generator automatically changes the balancing segment of the finance charges account to ’01’. The Account Generator in Receivables utilizes Oracle Workflow
5.What is deposit in AR? Have you used it?
Ans: It is a commitment type of transaction where in we take deposit from the customer and get into the agreement that we will make supply of certain goods and services for certain period of time.
7.What is flexfield qualifier in accounting flexfield.
Ans: Balancing Segment, Cost Center Segment, Natural Account Segment & Inter-company segment.
8.Which SRS is used for AR To GL Interface.
ANS: General ledger option is given in the menu option interfaces in AR.
9.What are required setup for AP.
Ans: Required setup in AP is as under
1. Install or upgrade payables
2. Select primary set of books
3. Use the system administrator responsibility to assign your set of books to a responsibility. (Profile Option)
4. Define financials options.
5. Define payables options.
6. Define payment terms.
7. Define banks, bank transmission details and bank accounts
8. Open payable accounting period
9. Set up Print Styles and Drivers for the supplier Mailing labels report
10.What are required setup for GL.
Ans: Required setup in GL is as under
1. Source (Required step with defaults)
2. Category (Required step with defaults)
3. System Control (Required step with defaults)
4. Profile Options (required)
5. Open Close Accounting Periods (required)
Before that set of books setup needs following:
1. Chart of Accounts (Accounting Flexfields) - (Required)
2. Define Period Types (Required step with defaults)
3. Define Calendar (Required)
4. Currency (Required step with defaults)
5. Set Of Book (Required)
6. Assign set of books to a Responsibility in Profile Option(Required)
7. Daily Conversion Rate Type (Required step with defaults)
11.How you will print user name of the person logged on to see the report.
select user_name from fnd_user where user_id = (select fnd_global.user_id from dual)
12.What is the table name for GL Interface. From here data goes to which tables.
13.Can we insert journal name in the GL Interface table
Ans: There is no such column in GL interface table hence we cannot enter it.
14.Where Reference fields are found in GL production tables. What is its use.
Ans: Reference fields are found in GL_JE_LINES it is used to store reference of sub-ledger enables us to drill down from gl to subledger.
15.Where journal name will be stored in GL_INTERFACE TABLE, Name the column.
ANS: REFERENCE4 (Journal Entry name will go in this field)
16.How to set dependent and independent value set and how you will insert values for the segments having these value sets.
ANS: First define independent value set and then while defining dependent value set give reference of independent value set along with default value and description. At time of entering values, enter values for independent first and then while entering values for dependent it will first force you to select value of independent segment.
17.SRS Name for AP TO GL.
ANS: Payable Transfer to General Ledger.
18.Can you delete the records after the interface has uploaded the records in the GL interface table?
ANS: Yes we can delete and correct the records from the front end after importing data into GL_INTERFACE Table. Sub menu options as correct and delete are given under import menu option. We have to specify source name. Menu option is import under journal in GL.
19.Required parameter for PL/SQL Procedure registered in Oracle. What will happen if these are not included?
ANS: Retcode and Errbuf are two out parameters having varchar2 datatype that are required. Use errbuf to return any error messages, and retcode to return completion status. The parameter retcode returns 0 for success, 1 for success with warnings, and 2 for error. After your concurrent program runs, the concurrent manager writes the contents of both errbuf and retcode to the log file associated with your concurrent request. If we do not include these two parameters, it will give run time error.
20.How to judge the number of descriptive fields defined from the front end itself.
ANS: In front end we will find [] open close square bracket which indicate the presence of descriptive flexfield. In other words, dff appears on form as a single-character, unnamed field enclosed in brackets21.What is context field is all about.ANS: Context field is used to make descriptive flexfield segments context sensitive, so that segment that may or may not appear depending upon what other information is present in your form
22.What is use of custom.pll what triggers are fired to support the customization you do using custom.pll
SPECIALn (1 to 45)
KEY-fn (1 to 8)
23.What are various customer interface tables?
24.Where invoices gets stored in payables
25.What will happen if you will type select * from ap_invoices in the multi org setup.
Ans: No row selected because it is a view having where condition for ord_id to match with operating unit context that are extracted from client_info global variable at application run time. From sql prompt run Fnd_client_info.setup.org_context(org_id). It will set the operating unit context or run fnd_clinet_info.setup_client_info(resp_appl_id,resp_id,user_id, security_group_id)26.Why it does not show records and show records for ap_invoices_all where as both the table has got org_id columns.Ans: Because operating unit context is not set that is why ord_id can not retrieved to meet the where condition specified in the view. Set it up with followings,
Fnd_client_info.setup_client_info(resp_appl_id,appl_id,user_id) or
27.What mechanism or logic oracle apps have applied to drill down the records in AP from the GL module after the records are transferred from AP to GL.
ANS: Uses reference column (1-8) to store information about sub-ledger.
28. What is auto accounting?
ANS: It is a required setup before to enter any transaction in AR. We have to define code combinations for different transaction type such as revenue, receivables, bills receivables, charge back, deposit and guarantee to default
29. What is major risk you find in Project? How to mitigate it.
ANS: Resource is a major risk in oracle apps projects. To mitigate it we need to have resource in reserve right from the beginning of the project.30. What are CR.010 all about?ANS: It is a Project Management Plan Document.
31. How you maintain time sheet.
ANS: Time sheet is maintained in WM.020 In MS Project format.
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